Monday, September 19, 2011


Me: Max, please put away the cutlery for me.
Max: This is not called cutlery.
Me: What do you call it?
Max: Silverware.
Me: Cutlery is another word for silverware. I grew up calling it silverware but, when we moved to Australia, I heard people calling it cutlery. Now I use both words.
Max: Cutlery is a swear word.
Me: What does it mean?
Max: It means baby in Spanish. The "cut" part means fighting.
(We've been working on only using "baby" to refer to the babies)

Friday, September 09, 2011


They thought this was great fun...for ten minutes

Helping Daddy Work

We use a lot of nappies

Elise, Abby and Max

Another "make-ups" creation

Any guesses???

Playing at Southbank

We took a trip to Southbank with some friends a few weeks ago. The water was still a bit chilly for the weather but the kids didn't seem to mind. Plus the sand at Streets Beach is always a hit.

Max, Sadie and I playing in the sand

Sadie and Ryan

Funny comment

Max's teacher approached me when I arrived at his montessori to pick him up yesterday. She asked me to sign an incident report b/c another child bit Max. Here's the story as she related it:

Max and Orlando were playing with some dinosaurs and Caleb bit Max when Max would not give a dinosaur to him (apparently the rule is that only two children can play with the dinosaurs at one time). The teacher noticed Max crying and went over to the boys. After inquiring about what happened, Max said, "Caleb bit me."

The teacher asked Caleb whether or not he bit Max (there were not teeth marks on Max's arm). Caleb replied, "No. I scratched him with my teeth. I'm not allowed to bite."

The mark on Max's arm looks like a scratch so I think Caleb truly believed he was not biting :)