Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President=Present in Max's world

During the inauguration coverage this morning on TV, I said to Max, "This is your new president!"
Max, as any two-year-old, does not know what a president is.  He figures it sounds close enough to one of his favorite words: present!!!!  So he pops his new baya (pacifier) out of his mouth, holds it up proudly and exclaims with wide eyes, "New present!"
I'm not sure who was more excited: me about our new president or Max about his new baya. Actually, Max's elation was definitely more apparent.  Sorry Obama.  I've never been overly expressive.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

How cute! He really is getting so handsome. I love his big smile. We got your Christmas card - so cute! Hope you are well!