Tim bought a Wollemi Pine for our Christmas Tree this year. It is a prehistoric tree native to Australia. It, like our Thanksgiving dinner, has a bit of a Charlie Brown look. Made it easy to decorate.
Max says, "toot toot" every time he sees a train. He's enamored.
Christmas Day was quiet. We had sticky buns and eggnog for breakfast (a Wonhof tradition). Max opened all of the presents. He seemed to know exactly what to do...we just couldn't get him to stop once he started.
A friend from my Mom's Group invited us over for Christmas dinner. We had a lovely turkey dinner. The boys were most excited by all of the airplanes flying overhead. Max learned to say "pay" that night. Now he points and says "pay" everytime he hears a loud noise outside. The evening ended with a game of chase around a pole: it was especially cute because the boys had never really played together before.
Happy New Year!
I can't believe how old Max looks! I think he has the greatest hair I've ever seen. Tell him to send some this way for Belle.
Happy New Year!
Thanks for updating the blog Rachel. Great to see how the Wonmors are doing. Max is a little darling. Christmas Day in shorts eh? Nice life in Australia! Miss you guys. Lucinda
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